Let’s Read French Books

Project TitleLet’s Read French Books
Principal InvestigatorRobert Miller
Funding Year2020
Project SummaryReading books is a great way to learn a language. It helps to discover the culture, to learn new words, to be exposed to different language structures in the context. But, one of the biggest challenges in the language and literature classes is to encourage the students to read. This project aims to make reading the literary books easier for the students by creating an open textbook reader using Public Domain 19th century French literature. The students hired for the project will be asked to read a selection of French literature books, identify problem vocabulary and develop a glossary of terms with the pronunciation of the words. Using Pressbooks, this project will develop an open textbook reader using the glossary functionality and potentially H5P to create an interactive language reader that can be used in French courses at UBC. This project aims to support students to develop the critical thinking skills by providing the fun and analytical reading activities. I already identified some interested students who would like to take part in this project. I will ask my students to read these resources and will assign the homework related to them.
Grant type OER Rapid Innovation Grant
Funded Amount $1,000

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