Compendium of UBC Wiki Pages on Themes in Aboriginal and Community Forestry

Project TitleCompendium of UBC Wiki Pages on Themes in Aboriginal and Community Forestry
Principal InvestigatorJanette Bulkan
Project SummaryThis project will create a searchable, user-friendly online repository of the approximately 450 unique UBC Wiki pages on topics in Aboriginal and Community Forestry produced by students enrolled in four courses between 2016 and 2020. The grant will fund 57 hours of work for a skilled undergraduate student to assemble the now scattered Wiki Pages into one web location. This compendium will be useful to academics and practitioners of community forestry worldwide, as each is composed of recent information and assessment on a specific topic and includes a comprehensive reference list. It will enable anyone with web access to locate the existing case studies in Aboriginal and Community Forestry using clickable links. For ease of review, the case studies will be sorted by country. Students enrolled in CONS 370 (Aboriginal Forestry) or FRST 370 (Community Forestry) have the option of creating a UBC Wiki Page as one of their assignments. They first review the existing Wiki pages contained in an Excel spreadsheet, sorted by country so as to avoid duplication of those topics. The compendium will allow incoming cohorts of students in these courses to access up-to-date and reliable information on a particular topic. The compendium will also provide best available knowledge on topics covered to anyone with internet access. That will be useful for readers across the world who do not have access to articles and books that are behind a firewall but which were read and assessed by the UBC student authors. Over the past four years (January 2017 to May 2020) over 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the following courses: CONS 200, Introduction to Conservation; CONS 370, Aboriginal Forestry; FRST 370, Community Forests and Community Forestry and FRST 522, Social, Community and Indigenous Forestry, were required to create UBC Wiki pages, an assignment representing about one-fifth of their total marks. About one-half of the Wiki pages were created by students working singly, and the rest by students working in pairs or threes. Each of these Wiki case studies has been iteratively revised by the course Instructor. The 450 unique UBC Wiki pages cover a range of topics related to natural resources management issues in Aboriginal and Community Forestry in 60 countries. Individually, these Wiki pages contain up-to-date accounts of trends in land management, successes and/or continuing challenges, lessons learned and policy recommendations specific to each case study, and rooted in local community perspectives. Each Wiki Page is the culmination of progressive steps in which students are taught how to do research, make annotations, assess and triangulate their materials and then write a structured narrative. Many of these UBC Wiki pages are outstanding; representing the work of students who have poured their passion and creative energy into their research and writing.
Link to OER
Funding Year2020
Grant typeRapid Innovation
Funded Amount$1,000

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