H5P Symposium 2024

Project TitleH5P Symposium 2024
Principal InvestigatorKayli Johnson
Co-ApplicantsSimon Lolliot
Funding Year2024
Project SummaryThe H5P Symposium aims to increase faculty awareness of h5p as a tool for authoring open formative assessment questions and the launch of UBC’s h5p authoring tool. Ultimately, we hope that this symposium will help kick-start the creation of more OERs across departments at UBC by providing a supportive environment to start creating h5p elements.

In 2022 we hosted UBC’s first H5P Symposium to help launch UBC’s h5p tool. Based on the success of this event, we are planning to host a second international two-day H5P Symposium designed to introduce and/or deepen faculty’s knowledge about h5p and to facilitate the creation of interactive elements in a supported environment. H5P is a free open-source html5 tool that can be used to create flexible and interactive open practice questions as well as opportunities for interactive content delivery. When students complete practice questions requiring them to actively recall information from memory (i.e., retrieval practice), they significantly outperform their peers who spend the same amount of time re-reading the same information. Several traditional publishers have developed online homework systems to offer students retrieval practice; however, these systems are only available behind a paywall and do not allow easy customization, open content sharing, or student authoring. Furthermore, UBC’s recent Policy V-131 places limits on the use of fee-based online homework systems. UBC’s H5P Tool allows faculty to create free and open interactive h5p elements to enhance student learning. These elements can be embedded within a learning management system (e.g. Canvas) or any website (e.g. WordPress). Unlike traditional online homework systems, h5p also offers opportunities for students to participate in content creation.

The requested funds would allow the H5P Symposium to incorporate two keynote sessions that would give the symposium a solid pedagogical grounding around best-practices in educational video creation and insight into how artificial intelligence can help create h5p elements more efficiently. Having these keynote addresses are important as they will align the use of an open tool with sound pedagogical practices. The funding would also help us recognize symposium contributors and encourage participants to complete the post-symposium survey to help us evaluate the success of the event.
Link to OERhttps://blogs.ubc.ca/h5psymposium/resources/
Grant type OER Rapid Innovation
Funded Amount $1,400