OER Fund General Info Session – October 21, 2024

Do you have an idea for an open education resource project? Are you thinking about applying for an OER Fund grant? Join us for an online UBCV OER Fund general information session on October 21st at 12:30pm.

In this session, you will receive information about how the OER Fund can support your OER project and goals. The session will also cover grant criteria and application processes, including tips on writing your proposal, developing your budget, and designing evaluation strategies.

Following the one hour information session, educational development, instructional design and media design support staff will be on-hand to provide one-on-one consultation to applicants who are developing an OER Fund grant proposal.

The session will be held via zoom; registration and more information is available at: https://events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/oer-fund-general-info-grant-proposal-consulting-session/.