Opening Educational Psychology: Pathways to Inclusivity and Student Centered Practices

Project TitleOpening Educational Psychology: Pathways to inclusivity and student centered practices
Principal InvestigatorSurita Jhangiani
Co-InvestigatorsDr. Shawna Faber, Instructor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education; Faculty of Education
Johanna Sam, Ph.D student, Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology & Special Education, Faculty of Education
Funding Year2020
Project SummaryThe Bachelor of Education program within the Faculty of Education at UBC is one of the largest and most comprehensive teacher education programs in BC. There are over 700 students admitted to this program annually. Human Development, Learning and Culture (EPSE 308) is a mandatory course in this program, and has traditionally relied on commercial textbooks. Recently, a shift has been made to move away from commercial textbooks, for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, poor fit with the course objectives, textbook costs, and a lack of inclusion of non-Eurocentric theories of development such as Indigenous perspectives. To address these issues and other concerns, the readings assigned for this course need to be revised in order to avoid reverting to commercial textbooks.

The major objectives of this project are to one, revise three chapters from Exploring Children’s Learning, an open text produced by The Open University. The relationship between theory to practice will be strengthened during the revision process in order to better meet the course objectives, to stress the applicability to the field of educational psychology and to highlight the Canadian context in terms of Indigeneity and relevant educational examples. The second major objective, which is in alignment with UBC’s strategic plan of transformative learning, is to create openly licenced ancillary resources, such as in-class activities, case studies, discussion questions, demonstrations, and assignments for the 13 topics covered in this course. The ancillary resources will be developed through a collaborative editing sprint. Graduate Academic Assistants will be hired to assist the project applicants with the revision of the modules, and the creation of the ancillary resources.
LInk to OER
Grant typeOER Implementation
Funded Amount$24,900

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