Developing a Student-Authored Conceptual Multiple-Choice Question Bank on the H5P Platform

Project Title
Developing a Student-Authored Conceptual Multiple-Choice Question Bank on the H5P Platform
Principal Investigator
S. Alireza Bagherzadeh
Co-ApplicantsYankai Cao, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering
FacultyApplied Science
Funding Year2023
Project SummaryThe purpose of this project is to develop a publicly available interactive bank of questions with immediate feedback to help learners assess their understanding of the key concepts in process control as it relates to chemical and biological engineering. Process control is one of those courses that may seem abstract and heavily mathematically oriented. Thus, establishing a clear connection between course content and real-life application is particularly vital in this course. The developed question bank will be available to students taking CHBE 356 and CHBE 474 courses as well as all learners around the world at no cost. This resource will be hosted on the H5P open hub. H5P is an open-source tool for developing interactive HTML5 content. The platform offers 45 different interactive content types including True/False questions, multiple-choice questions, video with interactive quizzes, image hotspots and many more.
Grant type OER Implementation
Funded Amount 
$ 8,152.00