UnRoman Romans: an OER on difference and stigma in ancient Rome

Project TitleUnRoman Romans: an OER on difference and stigma in ancient Rome
Principal InvestigatorSiobhán McElduff
Team MembersGrace Guy
Keith Warner-Harder
Luoyao (Lorreiya) Zhang
Sophie Roth
Danielle Lee
James McKitrick
Funding Year2020
Project SummaryThis OER is a reader on socially stigmatized groups in ancient Rome: actors athletes, dancers, sex workers, and sexual non-comformists. The reader was created as part of a class, and using student-scholars who contributed parts of the readers as part of their course assignments. It contains out of copyright and original translations of ancient texts, along with introductions, glossaries, images and other explanatory material. It is currently in progress and hosted on BCcampus’ version of Pressbooks; once it is published it will be sent for peer review, and be the only reader available for students interested in exploring this area of Roman society. It will continue to be added to and edited by student-scholars each time the course is run and will eventually be almost entirely student produced.
Grant typeRapid Innovation
Funded Amount$1,000
Link to ResourceUnRoman Romans

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